22nd January 2025

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Serving the people

Each year Herstmonceux Parish Council consider Grant applications from both local and nationwide organisations that are deemed to be 'beneficial to the parish or to its residents'. 2 application windows are available, 6 months apart. Deadlines for these are July 31st and January 31st.

Grant Applications are invited from both local and nationwide organisations, charities, local sports clubs, village organisations for consideration for financial assistance towards a particular project, running costs of the organisation, sports and other equipment, or towards the aims of a Charity.

The Parish Council consider such applications at its August and February cycle of meetings and the payment of any Grant awarded is paid at the Parish Council's Full Council meeting in September and February of each year.

There are no guarantees that an application submitted will result in a Grant being awarded, and the Parish Council have the right of imposing conditions on the awarding of any Grant.

Grants awarded

To date this Financial Year

Previous Financial Years

Applying for a grant from Herstmonceux Parish Council

In submitting an application the organisation or club agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. The application must be made on the Parish Council's formal Grant Application Form

2. The Application Form must be accompanied by a copy of the organisations latest audited accounts.

3. The Application Form should be accompanied by any quotes, estimates, or other information to support the requirement of the need for financial assistance.

4. The Application Form, Accounts, and support paperwork must be received by the Clerk to Herstmonceux Parish Council by no later than the 31st July or the 31st January in any given year.

5. Completed Application Forms for financial assistance may be submitted at any time throughout the year.

6. The Parish Council will not enter into any correspondence or dialogue on the matter of whether a Grant has or has not been awarded or to the level of financial assistance it may or may not have awarded.

7. Grant Applications should be addressed to: The Clerk to Herstmonceux Parish Council, The Parish Office, 4 The Old Forge, Gardner Street, Herstmonceux, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4LG

E-mail: clerk@herstmonceuxparish.org.uk

Last updated: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:19